Varanus Salvator (Biawak Air Tawar)

Varanus Salvator adalah nama lain dari Biawak Air Tawar, orang jawa bilang Nyambek, lain lagi kalau orang bule, mereka menyebutnya Water Monitor, mungkin karena biawak ini hidupnya lebih banyak dihabiskan di dalam air dari pada di darat.

Sebut saja Salvator, reptil yang masih keluarga besar Kadal Monitor ini memiliki tubuh yang berotot dan ekor yang panjang, berat salvator dewasa bisa mencapai 25kg (lumayan kalo di buat sate bisa buat sekampung, hehehehe), panjang salvator dari moncong hingga ujung ekor bisa mencapai 3 meter lebih, tapi rata-rata yang bisa kita temui hanya berukuran setengahnya dari itu.

Salvator dapat ditemukan hampir di penjuru Asia, di kota ataupun di pedesaan. Selama di daerah tersebut masih terdapat aliran air seperti sungai-sungai kecil atau rawa-rawa, maka bukan tidak mungkin di sana menjadi habitat Salvator.

Video dibawah ini adalah salvator yang sudah jinak. Melihat dari jinaknya kemungkinan salvator tersebut sudah di pelihara sejak masih bayi.

Nokia 6120 White: Real Beauty in Your Pocket

An elegant looking mobile phone from the Finnish company, the Nokia 6120 White mobile phone has a lot of style as well as numerous features packed in it. The phone is a true bestseller which has created waves all over the world. A smartphone which works on the Symbian OS v9.2, the Nokia 6120 White has a conservative construction but loads of features packed in it.

The Nokia 6120 White has features of communication like SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging, etc. Connectivity features like GPRS, HSCSD, EDGE, Bluetooth, 3G with HSDPA, USB, etc are also present in the phone. With memory expandability up to 8GB, there is a lot of scope for saving data in the phone. A 2MP camera, mp3 player, Office applications, etc are also present in the Nokia 6120 White.

Sony Ericsson P1i awarded by Swedish magazine Mobile

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At the recently held Mobilgalan show organized by the Swedish magazine Mobile , Sony Ericsson mobile phoneSymbian UIQ 3 based Sony P1i was awarded by the prestigious award Guldmobilen in the “Smartphone of the Year” category.

About Sony ericsson P1i :
Now I don’t want to sound sarcastic, but their last year’s winner was Sony Ericsson P990i, which we know is far from the perfect device — it’s too buggy and lacks RAM. The Sony ericsson P1i is much better choice, most notably because of the more available RAM and overall improved stability.

Mobile Phone at Christmas Reviews

Shoppers can make a fast profit in the run up to Christmas by snapping up the best selling toys and gadgets and swiftly re-selling them on eBay, the online auction site. Research by the Daily Telegraph shows that with a basket of eight popular presents including mobile phones this Christmas, canny shoppers could make a profit of £371 by immediately re-selling them on the website.

This is before you take into account theNintendo Wii, the games console that is predicted to be an even more popular hit than last year. Due to severe supply problems, the £179.99 gadget is almost impossible to track down on the High Street. As a result, it is regularly selling at well over £500 on eBay, with some fetching up to £1000. The lowest price obtained last week was £280. But even relatively low-priced gifts could land you a substantial profit. In the Night Garden – a hit programme with toddlers watching the CBeebies channel – has spawned a whole range of must-have toys. The Ninky-Nonk train, for instance, costs £9.99 in John Lewis. On eBay some buyers are paying £41 for the train. The most popular Transformer – Optimus Prime – is just £29.99 at Toys R Us, a fraction of the price sellers are charging on eBay, where one sold for £216 this week.

Profits can also be made from Baby Annabell dolls, Dr Who masks and the remote-controlled dragonfly that is predicted to be in many children’s stockings. It is estimated there are at least 100,000 people who regularly supplement their income by sophisticated trading on eBay and other online auction sites. However, if you want to make a serious profit you have to do your homework and second-guess what the best sellers are in advance.

Robert Pugh, author of 'The eBay Business Handbook’ says he bought most of his toy stock over the summer, when prices were cheap and supply was good. “To cash in now, you need to already be thinking about next year’s best sellers. This year is going to be too late, unless you strike it lucky.” Many of the most popular toys are already out of stock in many shops, leaving parents tearing their hair out and eBay traders with few options. However, Mr Pugh says even if you can’t track down a Wii on the High Street, you can always bank on “good, solid trade names” such as Lego and Brio to make money online

Latest Technology Mobile Phone

As you see that the technology keeps developing overtime, especially related to mobile phone. They keep adding new features to their mobile phone to make it as sophisticated as it can be and to make it become the most complete mobile phone that can do anything besides making and receiving calls or messages. Here are the latest technology of mobile phone that you might want to know.
The first one is Bluetooth 3.0. If all this time, all you know is only Bluetooth, well here comes the latest version of Bluetooth called Blutooth 3.0. What are the strength? It has faster speeds which can transfer files at 480 mb per second.  Another mobile technology is mobile users interfaces since mobile computing is very important for consumer these days. The next mobile technology is location awareness which is powered by GPS. It allows the users to know the exact location of their contacts. On the other hands, your contacts can now your exact location as well. Another one is near field communication (NFC). It is a technology that provides the consumers to use their phone to make payments.
Those are the latest mobile technologies these days, as mobile consumer you can choose the one that meets your needs.

Latest Mobile Phone For Ladies

You says that you really love your wife and you want to do anything to make her happy. If her birthday is coming soon and you want to please her with special gift, you should start to look for the special gift from now on. If you do not have any idea of what kind of present that you will give to her then you might like this idea.
As you see that mobile phone is getting more sophisticated these days. Latest technology that offers more features are applied to please the consumer. For your wife, it will be great if you give her the latest mobile phone from LG that is designed specially for women. It is called LG XD6 which is also known as the jewelry external HDD for women. The hard disk drives of this mobile phone are developed by adding various sections of females especially related to fashion. It comes in Titan and violet colors that are elegant and so feminine. It has amazing look since the aluminum case on the front face covered by Swarovski crystals. The price is not too expensive either.
It will be a great gift for your wife, she will love it very much.

iphone and girls "the hot arrival"

Product promotion has taken a new dimension with Apple introducing iPhone for the mass. No doubt the fine communication device has already become a highlight product amongst one and all. The product’s branding managers should however, gain cues from the enticing image series. The point and shoot feature of iPhone 4 is pretty unique and there certainly could be more takers if iPhone is promoted in the manner as depicted.
However, there might be surge of such mirror point and shoot images on the Facebook profile pages too. The way it is depicted in the image might just make it a prime gadget amongst youth.
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Cara mengaktifkan HTTPS di facebook

Beberapa hari yang lalu facebook kembali mengembangkan sistem keamanannya. Dan sistem keamanan kali ini yang baru saja di aktifkan adalah jalur aman komunikasi HTTPS, jalur yang selama ini dianggap paling aman dari serangan virus, malware dan hacker.

Sebelum anda memutuskan untuk mengaktifkan fitur HTTPS, ada hal yang perlu anda pertimbangkan, seperti:
1. Loading halaman menjadi sedikit lambat, karena proses enkripsi yang dilakukan.
2. Beberapa fitur facebook dan aplikasi diluar facebook belum didukung sepenuhnya dengan HTTPS.

Untuk bagian yang kedua, facebook berjanji akan terus mengembangkannya hingga suatu saat HTTPS menjadi jalur komunikasi permanen.

Cara mengaktifkan HTTPS di facebook bisa anda temukan pada bagian "Pengaturan Akun" disana anda akan di temukan dengan opsi "Keamanan Akun". Langsung saja klik "ganti" dan beri tanpa pada bagian "Jelajahi Facebook pada koneksi aman (https) bila memungkinkan", setelah itu "Simpan".
Lebih jelasnya anda bisa lihat gambar di bawah ini.

Jika anda mengaktifkan fitur ini, maka secara otomatis anda akan di arahkan ke jalur HTTPS setiap kali anda login menggunakan komputer.

Semoga bermanfaat, dan selamat mencoba.

Pembahasan Latihan Basis Data “SQL SELECT”

  1. Tampilkan first_name sebagai NAMA, employee_id sebagai ID KARYAWAN dan salary per hari (1 bulan = 30 hari) sebagai GAJI/HARI dari tabel employees.
  2. Tampilkan first_name dan last_name sebagai NAMA LENGKAP, salary+commission_pct selama 1 tahun dengan nama kolom TOTAL GAJI SETAHUN dari tabel employees.
  3. Tampilkan location id sebagai ID LOKASI, street address digabung dengan city dipisahkan dengan tanda "," sebagai ALAMAT, dan state province sebagai PROVINSI dari table locations.
  4. Tampilkan job_title digabung job_id sebagai JOB (contoh : President (AD_PRESS)), serta selisih dari max_salary dan min_salary sebagai SELISIH dari table jobs.
  5. Tampilkan data dengan format seperti dibawah ini :




SELECT first_name AS "NAMA", employee_id AS "ID KARYAWAN", salary/30 AS "GAJI/HARI"

from employees;


SELECT first_name||' '||last_name AS "NAMA LENGKAP", (salary*12)+(salary*12*commission_pct) AS "TOTAL GAJI SETAHUN"

FROM employees;


SELECT location_id AS "ID LOKASI", street_address||','||city AS "ALAMAT", state_province AS "PROVINSI"

FROM locations;


SELECT job_title||'('||job_id||'))',max_salary-min_salary AS "SELISIH"

FROM jobs;


SELECT first_name||' bekerja sebagai '||job_id||' sejak '||hire_date||' dengan gaji ' ||salary AS "DATA KARYAWAN"

FROM employees;

Latihan ini menggunakan Oracle Database 10g menggunakan database HR
Untuk mendownload klik disini 

Tentang HTTPS

HTTPS adalah singkatan dari HyperText Transfer Protocol over SSL (Secure Socket Layer), ini merupakan jalur TCP/IP yang digunakan oleh server website untuk mentransfer dan menampilkan konten website dengan aman. Karena setiap data yang ditransfer akan di enkripsi sehingga tidak dapat dibaca siapun kecuali si penerima.

HTTPS banyak digunakan oleh situs-situs yang banyak mengumpulkan data sensitif pelanggan, seperti informasi perbankan atau informasi pembelian.
Maka dari itu, jika anda bertransaksi online, pastikan anda melakukannya melalui HTTPS agar data tetap aman.

Ada 2 cara untuk mengetahui apa anda berada di halaman aman HTTPS atau tidak:
  1. Perhatikan pada address bar, alamat situs yang anda buka apakah berawalan "https://"
  2. Ada "gambar gembok" terkunci di bagian bawah browser (mozilla firefox).

10 Program Gratis Untuk Memperbaiki Komputer Yang Lambat

Sebagian besar pengguna komputer pada akhirnya dihadapkan dengan masalah yang sama: komputer lambat setelah beberapa bulan penggunaan. Itu tak terelakkan karena junk file, dan kesalahan registri membuat PC lamban. Pengguna komputer biasanya mulai bertanya-tanya apakah mereka sudah membutuhkan komputer baru atau mungkin masih ada harapan dan mereka dapat memanggil seorang teknisi yang akan meng-upgrade komputer.

Untungnya, ada cara mudah untuk mempercepat PC lamban Anda dan Anda tidak perlu menjadi seorang jenius komputer untuk mengetahui bagaimana memperbaiki komputer yang lambat. Anda hanya perlu mengetahui program yang berguna. Jadi, di sini adalah daftar 10 program gratis yang akan membuat PC lama anda berjalan seperti baru.

1. CCleaner
CCleaner membuat komputer Anda lebih cepat dengan menemukan dan menghapus semua sampah yang terakumulasi dari waktu ke waktu - seperti temporary Internet files, Windows temporary files, cookies, browsing history, dll.

CCleaner juga memiliki registry cleaner, startup manager, dan uninstall manager. Semuanya bekerja cukup baik dan dapat digunakan untuk memelihara PC Anda.

2. Auslogics Disk Defrag
Salah satu defragmenters paling populer. Program ini gratis, jauh lebih cepat daripada program defragmenter built-in Windows, dan bahkan dapat melakukan optimasi hard drive. Dengan program ini, Anda bisa file yang terdefragment dan free space untuk mempercepat akses file dan memindahkan file sistem ke awal disk, sehingga komputer anda akan booting lebih cepat.

Tambahan lain yang bagus adalah kemampuan Disk Defrag untuk personalisasi dengan menggunakan warna tema.

3. Autoruns
Entri startup yang terlalu banyak dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan waktu boot Windows. Jadi jika Anda harus menunggu lama untuk Windows untuk memuat, entri startup Anda mungkin bertanggung jawab untuk itu.

Autoruns adalah utilitas hebat yang menunjukkan program mana yang dikonfigurasi untuk menjalankan sistem saat bootup atau login, dan menunjukkan entri dalam urutan Windows proses mereka. Program-program ini termasuk yang ada di folder startup Anda, Run, RunOnce, dan Registry key. Anda dapat mengkonfigurasi Autoruns untuk menampilkan lokasi lain, termasuk Explorer shell extensions, toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, dan banyak lagi.

4. Revo Uninstaller

Memiliki terlalu banyak program dapat mengambil banyak sumber daya sistem. Jadi jika Anda ingin memperbaiki komputer yang lambat Anda, yang terbaik untuk menghapus program yang tidak Anda gunakan.

Revo Uninstaller adalah program utilitas kecil namun powerful sehingga mendapat peringkat nomor 1 di kategori uninstallers pada Ini jauh lebih cepat daripada Windows Add / Remove dan memiliki fitur lebih banyak, seperti kemampuan untuk menghapus jejak yang beberapa uninstallers software tinggalkan dan 8 cleaning tool tambahan.

5. Auslogics Registry Cleaner
Kesalahan registry sering menyebabkan ketidakstabilan dan kinerja komputer menjadi lambat. Auslogics Registry Cleaner adalah alat yang akan menemukan dan memperbaiki kesalahan registri, sehingga membuat komputer anda lebih cepat dan lebih stabil. Tidak seperti beberapa pembersih registri, ini benar-benar aman untuk digunakan, karena akan mem-back up registry sebelum melakukan perubahan dan scan hanya pada kategori aman, kecuali Anda tentukan yang lain.

6. Driver Sweeper
Driver Sweeper adalah alat yang akan membantu Anda untuk memperbarui atau menghapus driver perangkat Anda. Saat ini perangkat lunak ini mendukung NVIDIA (Display dan Chipset), ATI (Display), Creative (Sound) Realtek (Suara), AGEIA (PhysX) dan Microsoft (Mouse).

7. Auslogics Duplicate File Finder
Jika Anda adalah seorang pengguna komputer yang aktif, maka kemungkinan besar Anda memiliki banyak file duplikat yang bisa dihapus untuk menghemat ruang disk. Auslogics Duplicate File Finder adalah utilitas gratis ringan yang dapat melakukan hal itu - mencari dan menghapus salinan yang tidak diperlukan. Salah satu fitur terbaik dari Auslogics Duplicate File Finder adalah mencocokkan file dengan konten. Hal ini memastikan bahwa Anda tidak akan sengaja menghapus file yang tidak duplikat.

8. Secuina Personal Software Inspector (PSI)
Secunia PSI adalah alat yang sangat berguna yang akan membantu Anda menjaga komputer tetap aman dan berpotensi mempercepat aplikasi. Perangkat lunak ini mendeteksi program yang rentan dan out-date dan plug-in yang mengekspos PC Anda terhadap serangan. Solusinya adalah dengan menerapkan patch, tapi pergi dari situs web ke situs yang lain dan men-download patch untuk berbagai aplikasi bisa jadi merupakan pekerjaan membosankan. Secunia PSI secara otomatis melakukan hal ini dan memberitahu Anda ketika program anda dan plug-in memerlukan update untuk tetap aman. Patching software juga dapat membantu Anda memperbaiki komputer yang lambat karena program kedaluwarsa sering menyebabkan perangkat lunak Anda menjadi lebih lambat dan kurang stabil.

9. Foxit Reader
Tepatnya, Foxit Reader bukan program untuk meningkatkan kecepatan komputer. Namun, Foxit Reader akan sangat meningkatkan produktivitas Anda, terutama jika Anda bekerja dengan banyak PDF. Berbeda dengan Adobe Reader; Foxit ringan, cepat, dan memiliki beberapa fitur yang bermanfaat seperti dukungan multimedia, tabbed browsing PDF, dan pilihan berbagi konten.

10. Chrome
Jika browsing internet tidak secepat seperti yang Anda inginkan dan Anda merasa bahwa browser Anda adalah masalahnya, saatnya untuk mempertimbangkan beralih ke browser yang lebih cepat - Google Chrome. Karena Internet Explorer dan Firefox bisa sangat lambat pada startup dan mengkonsumsi banyak RAM. Jadi jika komputer Anda tidak sangat kuat, Chrome adalah browser yang cocok untuk Anda.

Referensi : dengan sedikit perubahan.

Blackberry 8310 Curve Reviews

Blackberry is a brand of Canadian manufacturer. It’s mainly products is only mobile phones. Blackberry handset is the glittery phone with all personality features. It is one of the most popular handset that gains popularity worldwide within a shorter time span. This brand is quite popular among business class people as it provides them all latest technology features and a very reliable customer base. In fact it offers more to their users than they ever thought of. It attracts business professionals as it favors the business world as it is very effective in surfing web and other web activities. Apart from this some Blackberry handsets offers you finger print safety mechanism so that one can store its important data in it without any worries. Similarly, Blackberry has introduced a new mobile phone in curve shape from its edges and named it as Blackberry 8310 Curve.

Blackberry 8310 Curve mobile phone has great looks as well as the advanced and awesome features. It has inbuilt 2mgea pixel camera with 5x zoom and flash. These surprising features enable their user to click one of the best quality pictures. It has the web browser feature in menu option; which offers the user can download songs, videos and games etc. This mobile also provides an instant message services like Google talk and Yahoo Messenger. This mobile also have awesome accessories like USB and Blue tooth devices which saves your monthly fee charges.

The other next features of this smart Blackberry 8310 Curve mobile phone are MP4 players, color display, speakerphone, and calendar, address book and voice dial etc. It also embedded with maps that are very useful for finding the information of geographical areas. It is not only helpful in personal and professional levels but also protects from the unhealthy situations. It has QWERTY keyboard that allows the user to be slightly conscious either by keeping the keyboard lock or setting of the passwords. It has another two quality features. It has 64 MB flash memory

Blackberry 8310 Curve has a shinny trackball navigator below the large 2.5 inches screen is extremely beautiful and attractive. If you find one of the best mobile phone for your closed ones, then just hit the market as soon as possible.

Free Acer Laptop on Buying 3g Handsets

The Acer Laptop is a high-performance computing wonder which has gathered a lot of praise in recent times. An Acer Laptop is a sturdy machine that comes with beatific hardware and obsessive software.

This compact laptop has a futuristic appeal that will definitely please you. This laptop flaunts Crystalbrite screen and a 3rd generation Dolby certified sound system that is the ultimate whole package for home entertainment. It has a dynamic fast RAM and the very latest processor. For high clarity graphics and multimedia experience Acer provides NVidia graphic card. Of course the operating system comes pre-installed. It’s well suited for professional, educational, informational, entertainment or any other purpose you can devise. It’s an offer you cannot refuse.

Samsung I900 Omnia reviews

Samsung is one of the noted mobile manufactures across the globe. It is also known for the release of best looking handsets. Samsung is capable of imparting best features and latest technologies in their mobile phones. As we all know that mobiles are essential commodity for everyone. So there are endless mobile manufactures are prevailing in the communication market in order to fulfill the thirst of people. It offers you unmatchable handsets with advanced applications in low range to high range. It is also considered as commendable brand in the market. We can also say that Samsung mobile phones are “Beauty with Brains” as they incorporated dashing looks and next generation features. Recently Samsung launched its new Samsung I900 Omnia mobile phone which is the perfect gadget for you.

Samsung I900 Omnia is a new cool and dashing handset. In fact it is a dazzling handset with all glittering features. The widget offers you either in metallic silver or black colored casing, which makes it attractive and its smooth curvy edges enhance the looks of the handset. This mobile is integrated with 3.2-inch TFT screen which gives a resolution of 240 x 400 pixels and displays up to 65K colors. The gadget has 5 Mega Pixel cameras that allow you to capture beautiful pictures at anytime and anywhere you wish. Its auto-focus feature allows you to capture highly focused shots while flash feature beautifies the captured pictures in the duller and darker vicinities.

Blackberry mobile reviews

playbook music

Videos aside, general multitasking on the Playbook really is fantastic. It makes the multitasking on Android 2.2 look mediocre, and needless to say it makes the ‘sort of but not really’ faux-multitasking on the iPad and iPhone 4 look utterly last-generation.

The interface is a joy to use and absolutely matches iOS in terms of ease of use. Unfortunately, RIM had disabled the settings menu on all the display samples so we were unable to take a look at that side of things. We’ll have to wait for a proper review sample for that.

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But in terms of being able to easily find and load apps, manage your music and videos, play games and browse the web, BlackBerry has an absolute gem on its hands.

The Playbook is due to go on sale in the US within the next few months and should be launching in the UK in the spring. We can’t wait to take another look at it, and of course we’ll bring you our full review as soon as RIM gives us a sample.